Source code for coilpy.booz_xform

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .sortedDict import SortedDict
from .misc import trig2real

__all__ = ["BOOZ_XFORM"]

[docs]class BOOZ_XFORM(SortedDict): def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): import xarray SortedDict.__init__(self) self.output = xarray.open_dataset(filename) self.ns = int(self.output["ns_b"].values) self.nfp = int(self.output["nfp_b"].values) self.xm = self.output["ixm_b"].values self.xn = self.output["ixn_b"].values / self.nfp self.jlist = self.output["jlist"].values self.bmnc = self.output["bmnc_b"].values return
[docs] @staticmethod def write_input(extension, mbooz, nbooz, surfaces): """Write a BOO_XFORM input file Args: extension (str): VMEC output extension. mbooz (int): Maximum poloidal mode. nbooz (int): Maximum toroidal mode surfaces (list): List of flux surfaces. """ template = """{mbooz:d} {nbooz:d} '{extension:s}' {surfaces:s} """ assert mbooz > 0, "mbooz should be >0." assert nbooz > 0, "nbooz should be >0." surfaces = ["{:} ".format(i) for i in surfaces] surfaces = "".join(surfaces) with open("inbooz." + extension, "w") as f: f.write( template.format( mbooz=mbooz, nbooz=nbooz, extension=extension, surfaces=surfaces ) ) return
[docs] @staticmethod def from_vmec(wout, mbooz=0, nbooz=0, surfaces=[]): """Prepare BOOZ_XFORM input file from VMEC wout file Args: wout (str): VMEC wout filename. mbooz (int, optional): Maximum poloildal mode number. Defaults to 0 (4*Mpol). nbooz (int, optional): Maximum toroidal mode number. Defaults to 0 (4*Ntor). surfaces (list, optional): Flux surfaces list. Defaults to [] (1:NS). """ import xarray vmec = xarray.open_dataset(wout) ind = wout.index("wout_") + 5 end = wout.index(".nc") extension = wout[ind:end] if mbooz == 0: mbooz = 4 * int(vmec["mpol"].values) + 1 if nbooz == 0: nbooz = 4 * int(vmec["ntor"].values) if len(surfaces) == 0: ns = int(vmec["ns"].values) surfaces = 1 + np.arange(ns) vmec.close() return BOOZ_XFORM.write_input(extension, mbooz, nbooz, surfaces)
[docs] def plot( self, ordering=0, mn=(None, None), ax=None, log=True, normalize=True, logical_not=False, **kwargs ): """Plot |B| components 1D profile Args: ordering (integer, optional): Plot the leading Nordering asymmetric modes. Defaults to 0. mn (tuple, optional): Plot the particular (m,n) mode. Defaults to (None, None). ax (Matplotlib axis, optional): Matplotlib axis to be plotted on. Defaults to None. log (bool, optional): Plot in log scale. Defaults to True. normalize(bool, optionl): Normalized to B_00. Defaults to True. logical_not (bool, optional): Unselect mn modes. Defaults to False. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.plot. Defaults to {}. Returns: ax (Matplotlib axis): Matplotlib axis plotted on. """ xx = self.jlist / self.ns return self.plot_helicity( self.bmnc, self.xm, self.xn, xx, ordering, mn, ax, log, normalize, logical_not, **kwargs )
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_helicity( vals, xm, xn, xx, ordering=0, mn=(None, None), ax=None, log=False, normalize=False, logical_not=False, **kwargs ): # get figure and ax data if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # check if normalizing to B_00 if normalize: try: vals /= vals[:, np.logical_and(xm == 0, xn == 0)] except ValueError: print("Something wrong with the normalization to B_00") # determine filter condition if mn[0] is not None: mfilter = xm == mn[0] m = "m={:}".format(mn[0]) else: mfilter = np.full(np.shape(xm), True) m = "m" if mn[1] is not None: nfilter = xn == mn[1] n = "n={:}".format(mn[1]) else: nfilter = np.full(np.shape(xn), True) n = "n" cond = np.logical_and(mfilter, nfilter) if logical_not: cond = np.logical_not(cond) # data = np.reshape(vals[:, cond], (ns, -1)) vals = vals[:, cond] xm = xm[cond] xn = xn[cond] # select the top ordering asymmetric terms if ordering: assert ordering >= 1 data = np.linalg.norm(vals, axis=0) ind_arg = np.argsort(data) for i in range(ordering): ind = ind_arg[-1 - i] # index of the i-th largest term m = xm[ind] n = xn[ind] if m == 0 and n == 0: continue kwargs["label"] = "m={:}, n={:}".format(int(m), int(n)) if log: ax.semilogy(xx, np.abs(vals[:, ind]), **kwargs) else: ax.plot(xx, np.abs(vals[:, ind]), **kwargs) ylabel = r"$\frac{B_{m,n}}{ B_{00} }$" else: if log: line = ax.semilogy(xx, np.linalg.norm(vals, axis=1), **kwargs) else: line = ax.plot(xx, np.linalg.norm(vals, axis=1), **kwargs) ylabel = r"$ \frac{{ \Vert B_{{ {:},{:} }} \Vert }}{{ B_{{00}} }} $".format( m, n ) plt.xlabel("normalized flux (s)", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=16) plt.xticks(fontsize=15) plt.yticks(fontsize=15) return ax
[docs] def plot2d(self, ns=-1, npol=128, ntor=128, ax=None, contour=True, **kwargs): """Plot |B| contour on the flux surface Args: ns (int, optional): Flux surface index in self.jlist. Defaults to -1. npol (int, optional): Poloidal resolution. Defaults to 128. ntor (int, optional): Toroidal resolution. Defaults to 128. ax (Matplotlib axis, optional): Matplotlib axis to be plotted on. Defaults to None. contour (bool, optional): Whether plotting the contour lines. Defaults to True. Returns: ax (Matplotlib axis): Matplotlib axis plotted on. """ _theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, npol, endpoint=True) _zeta = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, ntor, endpoint=True) modB = trig2real(_theta, _zeta, self.xm, self.xn, self.bmnc[ns, :]) # get figure and ax data if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() bl = ax.imshow(modB, origin="lower", extent=[0, 2 * np.pi, 0, 2 * np.pi]) plt.xticks( np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 3), ["0", r"$\pi/{:d}$".format(self.nfp), r"$2\pi/{:d}$".format(self.nfp)], fontsize=15, ) plt.yticks( np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 3), ["0", r"$\pi$", r"$2\pi$"], fontsize=15 ) if contour: ax.contour(_zeta, _theta, modB, colors="grey") clb = plt.colorbar(bl)"|B|(T)", fontsize=15) plt.xlabel(r"$\zeta_{Boozer}$", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(r"$\theta_{Boozer}$", fontsize=16) import matplotlib.ticker as tck ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(tck.AutoMinorLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(tck.AutoMinorLocator()) return ax
[docs] def to_FOCUS(self, ns=-1, focus_file="plasma.boundary", tol=1.0e-8, iota=None): """Write a FOCUS plasma boundary file in Boozer coordinates Args: ns (int, optional): Flux surface label to be exported. Defaults to -1. focus_file (str, optional): FOCUS plasma boundary file name. Defaults to 'plasma.boundary'. tol (float, optional): Truncated tolerance. Defaults to 1.0E-8. iota (float, optional): The target iota to be extracted. Defaults to None. """ mn = int(self.output["mnboz_b"].values) # find the closest ns if specifying an iota if iota is not None: ns = np.argmin(np.abs(self.output["iota_b"].values - iota)) print( "Target iota: ", iota, ", closest value: ", self.output["iota_b"].values[ns], ) rbc = np.array(self.output["rmnc_b"][ns, :]) # rbs = np.zeros(mn) zbs = np.array(self.output["zmns_b"][ns, :]) # zbc = np.zeros(mn) pmns = np.array(self.output["pmns_b"][ns, :]) # pmnc = np.zeros(mn) Nbnf = 0 # count non-zero terms amn = 0 for imn in range(mn): if (abs(rbc[imn]) + abs(zbs[imn] + abs(pmns[imn]))) > tol: amn += 1 # number of nonzero coef. # write FOCUS plasma boundary file with open(focus_file, "w") as fofile: fofile.write("# bmn bNfp nbf " + "\n") fofile.write("{:d} \t {:d} \t {:d} \n".format(amn, self.nfp, Nbnf)) fofile.write("#plasma boundary" + "\n") fofile.write("# n m Rbc Rbs Zbc Zbs Pmnc Pmns" + "\n") for imn in range(mn): if (abs(rbc[imn]) + abs(zbs[imn] + abs(pmns[imn]))) > tol: fofile.write( "{:4d} {:4d} \t {:23.15E} {:12.5E} {:12.5E} {:23.15E} {:12.5E} {:23.15E} \n".format( int(self.xn[imn]), self.xm[imn], rbc[imn], 0.0, 0.0, zbs[imn], 0.0, pmns[imn], ) ) fofile.write("#Bn harmonics \n") fofile.write("# n m bnc bns" + "\n") return