from coilpy.misc import print_progress
import numpy as np
from .netcdf import Netcdf
[docs]class Regcoil(Netcdf):
def __init__(self, filename, mmap=False, version=1, maskandscale=False):
super().__init__(filename, mmap, version, maskandscale)
# norm of the coil surface
self.norm_normal_coill = np.zeros((self.ntheta_coil, self.nzetal_coil))
for i in range(self.nfp):
:, i * self.nzeta_coil : (i + 1) * self.nzeta_coil
] = self.norm_normal_coil.T
[docs] def get_k(self, ilambda=0):
"""Compute the surface current density on the coil surface
Following Eq. A.13 in Landreman Nucl. Fusion 57 (2017) 046003
ilambda (int, optional): The lambda index in the REGCOIL solution. Defaults to 0.
numpy.ndarray : A 3D array containing the current desity information. Dimension: 3 x Ntheta x Nzeta
# compute d term
G = self.net_poloidal_current_Amperes
I = self.net_toroidal_current_Amperes
pi2 = 2 * np.pi
# drdtheta and drdzeta can be computed externally
dxdtheta = self.drdtheta_coil.T[0, :, :]
dydtheta = self.drdtheta_coil.T[1, :, :]
dzdtheta = self.drdtheta_coil.T[2, :, :]
dxdzeta = self.drdzeta_coil.T[0, :, :]
dydzeta = self.drdzeta_coil.T[1, :, :]
dzdzeta = self.drdzeta_coil.T[2, :, :]
dx = G / pi2 * dxdtheta - I / pi2 * dxdzeta
dy = G / pi2 * dydtheta - I / pi2 * dydzeta
dz = G / pi2 * dzdtheta - I / pi2 * dzdzeta
# get single_valued Phi coefficients
phi_mn = self.single_valued_current_potential_mn[ilambda, :]
mn_max = self.mnmax_potential
phi_sin = np.zeros(mn_max)
phi_cos = np.zeros(mn_max)
if self.symmetry_option == 1:
phi_sin = phi_mn[0:mn_max]
elif self.symmetry_option == 2:
phi_cos = phi_mn[0:mn_max]
elif self.symmetry_option == 3:
phi_sin = phi_mn[0:mn_max]
phi_cos = phi_mn[mn_max:]
raise ValueError(
"Something wrong the symmetry_option: {:}".format(self.symmetry_option)
theta = self.theta_coil
zeta = self.zetal_coil
xm = self.xm_potential
xn = self.xn_potential
_tv, _zv = np.meshgrid(theta, zeta, indexing="ij")
# mt - nz (in matrix)
_mtnz = np.matmul(
np.reshape(xm, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(_tv, (1, -1))
) - np.matmul(np.reshape(xn, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(_zv, (1, -1)))
_cos = np.cos(_mtnz)
_sin = np.sin(_mtnz)
fx = (
np.matmul(np.reshape(xm * phi_sin, (1, -1)), _cos) * dxdzeta.ravel()
+ np.matmul(np.reshape(xn * phi_sin, (1, -1)), _cos) * dxdtheta.ravel()
+ np.matmul(np.reshape(xm * phi_cos, (1, -1)), -_sin) * dxdzeta.ravel()
+ np.matmul(np.reshape(xn * phi_cos, (1, -1)), -_sin) * dxdtheta.ravel()
fy = (
np.matmul(np.reshape(xm * phi_sin, (1, -1)), _cos) * dydzeta.ravel()
+ np.matmul(np.reshape(xn * phi_sin, (1, -1)), _cos) * dydtheta.ravel()
+ np.matmul(np.reshape(xm * phi_cos, (1, -1)), -_sin) * dydzeta.ravel()
+ np.matmul(np.reshape(xn * phi_cos, (1, -1)), -_sin) * dydtheta.ravel()
fz = (
np.matmul(np.reshape(xm * phi_sin, (1, -1)), _cos) * dzdzeta.ravel()
+ np.matmul(np.reshape(xn * phi_sin, (1, -1)), _cos) * dzdtheta.ravel()
+ np.matmul(np.reshape(xm * phi_cos, (1, -1)), -_sin) * dzdzeta.ravel()
+ np.matmul(np.reshape(xn * phi_cos, (1, -1)), -_sin) * dzdtheta.ravel()
# norm of the coil surface
norm = np.zeros((self.ntheta_coil, self.nzetal_coil))
for i in range(self.nfp):
:, i * self.nzeta_coil : (i + 1) * self.nzeta_coil
] = self.norm_normal_coil.T
# the current density
self.k = np.zeros_like(self.drdtheta_coil.T)
self.k[0, :, :] = (dx - fx.reshape((self.ntheta_coil, self.nzetal_coil))) / norm
self.k[1, :, :] = (dy - fy.reshape((self.ntheta_coil, self.nzetal_coil))) / norm
self.k[2, :, :] = (dz - fz.reshape((self.ntheta_coil, self.nzetal_coil))) / norm
return self.k
[docs] def bfield(self, pos, fortran=True):
pos = np.atleast_2d(pos)
if fortran:
return self._bfield_fortran(pos)
mag_field = np.zeros_like(pos)
for i in range(len(pos)):
mag_field[i, :] = self._bfield_py(pos[i, :])
return mag_field
def _bfield_py(self, pos):
"""Calculate the magnetic field at an arbitrary point using `self.k`.
(Not fully vectorized because of degrade of speed)
pos (list): Evaluation point in Cartesian coordinates.
numpy.ndarray: B vector produced by the surface current.
u0_d_4pi = 1.0e-7
ob_pos = np.atleast_1d(pos)
# x0 = np.ravel(self.r_coil.T[0, :, :])
# y0 = np.ravel(self.r_coil.T[1, :, :])
# z0 = np.ravel(self.r_coil.T[2, :, :])
dx = ob_pos[0] - self.r_coil.T[0, :, :]
dy = ob_pos[1] - self.r_coil.T[1, :, :]
dz = ob_pos[2] - self.r_coil.T[2, :, :]
dr = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
dtheta = self.theta_coil[1] - self.theta_coil[0]
dzeta = self.zeta_coil[1] - self.zeta_coil[0]
Bx = (
(dz * self.k[1, :, :] - dy * self.k[2, :, :])
* np.power(dr, -1.5)
* self.norm_normal_coill
By = (
(dx * self.k[2, :, :] - dz * self.k[0, :, :])
* np.power(dr, -1.5)
* self.norm_normal_coill
Bz = (
(dy * self.k[0, :, :] - dx * self.k[1, :, :])
* np.power(dr, -1.5)
* self.norm_normal_coill
B = (
np.transpose([np.sum(Bx), np.sum(By), np.sum(Bz)])
* u0_d_4pi
* (dtheta * dzeta)
return B
def _bfield_fortran(self, pos):
from coilpy_fortran import surface_current
pos = np.atleast_2d(pos)
dtdz = (self.theta_coil[1] - self.theta_coil[0]) * (
self.zeta_coil[1] - self.zeta_coil[0]
return surface_current(
pos, self.r_coil, self.k.T, self.norm_normal_coill.T, dtdz
[docs] def bfield_cyl(self, rpz):
rpz = np.atleast_2d(rpz)
cosphi = np.cos(rpz[:, 1])
sinphi = np.sin(rpz[:, 1])
xyz = np.transpose([rpz[:, 0] * cosphi, rpz[:, 0] * sinphi, rpz[:, 2]])
mag_xyz = self.bfield(xyz, fortran=True)
mag_rpz = np.array(
mag_xyz[:, 0] * cosphi + mag_xyz[:, 1] * sinphi,
(-mag_xyz[:, 0] * sinphi + mag_xyz[:, 1] * cosphi) / rpz[:, 0],
mag_xyz[:, 2],
return mag_rpz.T
[docs] def compute_bn(self):
"""Compute B_surface_current \cdot n on the plasma surface
numpy.ndarray : a 2D array containing Bn information. Dimension: Ntheta x Nzeta
bn = np.zeros_like(self.Bnormal_from_plasma_current.T)
for i in range(self.ntheta_plasma):
# print_progress(i, self.ntheta_plasma)
for j in range(self.nzeta_plasma):
pos = self.r_plasma[j, i, :]
B_k = self.bfield(pos, fortran=False)
bn[i, j] = (, self.normal_plasma[j, i, :])
/ self.norm_normal_plasma[j, i]
return bn