import numpy as np
from .netcdf import Netcdf
[docs]class Mgrid(object):
def __init__(self, r, z, phi, Br, Bz, Bphi, nfp=1):
"""Mgrid class is for a MAKEGRID file
r (numpy.array): r coodinates, from rmin to rmax, size: [nr,]
z (numpy.array): z coodinates, from zmin to zmax, size: [nz,]
phi (numpy.array): phi coodinates, form 0 to 2*pi/nfp, size: [np+1,]
Br (numpy.array): Br data on the grid, size: [nr, nz, np+1]
Bz (numpy.array): Bz data on the grid, size: [nr, nz, np+1]
Bphi (numpy.array): Bphi data on the grid, size: [nr, nz, np+1]
nfp (int, optional): number of field periodicity. Defaults to 1.
# r, z, phi grid
self.r = r
self.z = z
self.phi = phi
# magnetic field
self.Br = Br
self.Bz = Bz
self.Bphi = Bphi
# number of field periodicity
self.nextcur = 1 # combine all currents
self.nfp = nfp
# dimensions = len(self.r) = len(self.z)
self.nphi = len(self.phi) - 1 # self.phi = nphi + 1
# box sizes
self.rmax = np.max(self.r)
self.rmin = np.min(self.r)
self.zmax = np.max(self.z)
self.zmin = np.min(self.z)
self.phimax = np.max(self.phi)
self.phimin = np.min(self.phi)
# construct interpolation functions
[docs] @classmethod
def read_mgrid_bin(cls, filename, extcur=None):
"""Read mgrid file in binary format
filename (str): binary file path and name.
extcur (str/list, optional): current (or file) for each group. Defaults to None.
Mgrid: Mgrid class containning all data with B summed together.
f = open(filename, "rb")
# nr, nz, etc.
(nbytes,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1)
assert nbytes == 20, "Integer was not written as 'i4'. Try i{:}".format(
nbytes // 5
nr, nz, nphi, nfp, nextcur = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=5)
if nextcur < 0:
style_2000 = True
nextcur = abs(nextcur)
style_2000 = False
(nbytes,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1)
# rmin, rmax, etc.
(nbytes,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1)
assert nbytes == 32, "Real was not written as 'f8'. Try f{:}".format(
nbytes // 4
rmin, zmin, rmax, zmax = np.fromfile(f, dtype="f8", count=4)
(nbytes,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1)
# curlabel
(ncurlabel,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1) // 30
assert ncurlabel == nextcur, "ncurlabel != nextcur"
curlabel = np.fromfile(f, dtype="S30", count=nextcur)
(nbytes,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1)
# Br, Bp, Bz
nrpz = 3 * nr * nphi * nz
Br = []
Bp = []
Bz = []
for i in range(nextcur):
(nbytes,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1)
assert nbytes == nrpz * 8, "B was not written as 'f8'. Try f{:}".format(
nbytes // nrpz
B = np.fromfile(f, dtype="f8", count=nrpz)
if style_2000:
Bvec = B.reshape((nphi, nz, nr, 3)).T
Bvec = B.reshape((nphi, nz, nr, 3)).T
(nbytes,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1)
# mgrid_mode, "S" or "N"
if style_2000:
(nbytes,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1)
(mgrid_mode,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="S1", count=1)
(nbytes,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1)
# raw currents
(nbytes,) = np.fromfile(f, dtype="i4", count=1)
assert (
nbytes == 8 * nextcur
), "Real was not written as 'f8'. Try f{:}".format(nbytes // nextcur)
extcur = np.fromfile(f, dtype="f8", count=nextcur)
mgrid_mode = "N"
# read extcur if needed
if extcur is None:
if not style_2000: # FOCUS/FAMUS old format
extcur = np.ones(nextcur)
elif isinstance(extcur[0], str): # read from file
extcur = np.genfromtxt(extcur)
# generate coordinates
rr = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, nr)
zz = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, nz)
phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi / nfp, nphi + 1)
# sum data
Br_total = np.zeros((nr, nz, nphi + 1))
Bz_total = np.zeros((nr, nz, nphi + 1))
Bp_total = np.zeros((nr, nz, nphi + 1))
for i in range(nextcur):
Br_total[:, :, :-1] += Br[i] * extcur[i]
Bz_total[:, :, :-1] += Bz[i] * extcur[i]
Bp_total[:, :, :-1] += Bp[i] * extcur[i]
# add one additional toroidal cross-section
Br_total[:, :, -1] = Br_total[:, :, 0]
Bz_total[:, :, -1] = Bz_total[:, :, 0]
Bp_total[:, :, -1] = Bp_total[:, :, 0]
return cls(
r=rr, z=zz, phi=phi, Br=Br_total, Bz=Bz_total, Bphi=Bp_total, nfp=nfp
[docs] @classmethod
def read_mgrid_nc(cls, filename, extcur=None):
"""Read mgrid file in the netcdf format
filename (str): netcdf file path and name.
extcur (str/list, optional): current (or file) for each group. Defaults to None.
Mgrid: Mgrid class containning all data with B summed together.
data = Netcdf(filename)
# read extcur if needed
if extcur is None:
extcur = np.ones(data.nextcur)
elif isinstance(extcur[0], str): # read from file
extcur = np.genfromtxt(extcur)
# generate coordinates
rr = np.linspace(data.rmin, data.rmax,
zz = np.linspace(data.zmin, data.zmax, data.jz)
phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi / data.nfp, + 1)
# sum data
Br_total = np.zeros((, data.jz, + 1))
Bz_total = np.zeros((, data.jz, + 1))
Bp_total = np.zeros((, data.jz, + 1))
for i in range(data.nextcur):
Br_total[:, :, :-1] += (
np.transpose(getattr(data, "br_{:03d}".format(i + 1))) * extcur[i]
Bz_total[:, :, :-1] += (
np.transpose(getattr(data, "bz_{:03d}".format(i + 1))) * extcur[i]
Bp_total[:, :, :-1] += (
np.transpose(getattr(data, "bp_{:03d}".format(i + 1))) * extcur[i]
# add one additional toroidal cross-section
Br_total[:, :, -1] = Br_total[:, :, 0]
Bz_total[:, :, -1] = Bz_total[:, :, 0]
Bp_total[:, :, -1] = Bp_total[:, :, 0]
return cls(
r=rr, z=zz, phi=phi, Br=Br_total, Bz=Bz_total, Bphi=Bp_total, nfp=data.nfp
[docs] def interpolate(self, **kwargs):
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
self.Br_func = RegularGridInterpolator(
(self.r, self.z, self.phi), self.Br, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0
self.Bz_func = RegularGridInterpolator(
(self.r, self.z, self.phi), self.Bz, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0
self.Bphi_func = RegularGridInterpolator(
(self.r, self.z, self.phi), self.Bphi, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0
[docs] @classmethod
def compute_mgrid(
cls, bfield, rmin, rmax, zmin, zmax, nr=100, nz=100, nphi=100, nfp=1
"""Compute bfield on the grid
bfield (func): callable function to compute B at a sequence of points [N, 3]
in cartesian coordinates, e.g. Bxyz = bfield(pos[0:N, 0:3])
rmin (float): minimum r value
rmax (float): maximum r value
zmin (float): minimum z value
zmax (float): maximum z value
nr (int, optional): resolution in r. Defaults to 100.
nz (int, optional): resolution in z. Defaults to 100.
nphi (int, optional): resolution in phi. Defaults to 100.
nfp (int, optional): number of field periods. Defaults to 1.
Mgrid: return a Mgrid class with dimensions of [nr, nz, nphi+1]
# construct grid
r = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, nr)
z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, nz)
phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi / nfp, nphi + 1)
rr, zz, pp = np.meshgrid(r, z, phi, indexing="ij")
rzp_grid = (nr, nz, nphi + 1)
# compute B-field
cosphi = np.ravel(np.cos(pp))
sinphi = np.ravel(np.sin(pp))
xx = rr.ravel() * cosphi
yy = rr.ravel() * sinphi
xyz = np.transpose([xx, yy, zz.ravel()])
mag_xyz = bfield(xyz)
br = np.reshape(mag_xyz[:, 0] * cosphi + mag_xyz[:, 1] * sinphi, rzp_grid)
bphi = np.reshape(
(-mag_xyz[:, 0] * sinphi + mag_xyz[:, 1] * cosphi) / rr.ravel(), rzp_grid
bz = np.reshape(mag_xyz[:, 2], rzp_grid)
# construct class
return cls(r=r, z=z, phi=phi, Br=br, Bz=bz, Bphi=bphi, nfp=nfp)
[docs] def bfield(self, rzp):
"""Return interpolated B-field
rzp (list): (r,z,phi) values cylindral coodinates
numpy.array: [Br, Bz, Bphi] at the evaluation point
rzp[2] = rzp[2] % (2 * np.pi / self.nfp)
Br = self.Br_func(rzp)
Bz = self.Bz_func(rzp)
Bphi = self.Bphi_func(rzp)
return np.array([Br, Bz, Bphi])
[docs] def write_mgrid_nc(self, filename):
"""Write a MGRID file in Netcdf format (extcur = 1.0)
filename (str): file name to be saved
from netCDF4 import Dataset
da = Dataset(filename, "w")
da.createDimension("dim_0001", 1)
da.createDimension("dim_0002", 30)
da.createDimension("Bp", self.nphi)
da.createDimension("B", 3)
ir = da.createVariable("ir", "i4")
jz = da.createVariable("jz", "i4")
kp = da.createVariable("kp", "i4")
nextcur = da.createVariable("nextcur", "i4")
mgrid_mode = da.createVariable("mgrid_mode", "S1", ("dim_0001",))
coil_group = da.createVariable("coil_group", "S1", ("dim_0001", "dim_0002"))
rmin = da.createVariable("rmin", "f8")
zmin = da.createVariable("zmin", "f8")
rmax = da.createVariable("rmax", "f8")
zmax = da.createVariable("zmax", "f8")
nfp = da.createVariable("nfp", "i4")
br = da.createVariable("br_001", "f8", ("Bp", "Bz", "Br"))
bz = da.createVariable("bz_001", "f8", ("Bp", "Bz", "Br"))
bp = da.createVariable("bp_001", "f8", ("Bp", "Bz", "Br"))
coil_group = np.asarray(
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
b" ",
mgrid_mode = np.asarray([b"R"])
ir[:] = np.asarray(
kp[:] = np.asarray(self.nphi)
jz[:] = np.asarray(
nextcur[:] = np.asarray(self.nextcur)
rmin[:] = np.asarray(self.rmin)
rmax[:] = np.asarray(self.rmax)
zmin[:] = np.asarray(self.zmin)
zmax[:] = np.asarray(self.zmax)
nfp[:] = np.asarray(self.nfp)
br[:] = self.Br[:, :, :-1].T # change order
bp[:] = self.Bphi[:, :, :-1].T # change order
bz[:] = self.Bz[:, :, :-1].T # change order
da.title = "binary files are converted to netcdf"
br.description = "this is a np*nz*nr matrix in fortan which describe br"
bp.description = "this is a np*nz*nr matrix in fortan which describe bp"
bz.description = "this is a np*nz*nr matrix in fortan which describe bz"