#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import sys
[docs]def xy2rp(x, y):
"""Convert (x,y) to (R,phi) in polar coordinate
x (float): x coordinate
y (float): y coordinate
R (float): radius
phi (float): angle in rad
R = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
if x > 0.0 and y >= 0.0: # [0,pi/2)
phi = np.arcsin(y / R)
elif x <= 0.0 and y > 0.0: # [pi/2, pi)
phi = np.arccos(x / R)
elif x < 0.0 and y <= 0.0: # [pi, 3/2 pi)
phi = np.arccos(-x / R) + np.pi
elif x >= 0.0 and y < 0.0: # [3/2 pi, 2pi)
phi = np.arcsin(y / R) + 2 * np.pi
raise ValueError("Something wrong with your inputs ({:f}, {:f}).".format(x, y))
return R, phi
[docs]def map_matrix(xx, first=True, second=True):
"""Map matrix to be complete (closed)
xx -- 2D numpy array
first -- boolean, default: True, if increase the first dimension
second -- boolean, default: True, if increase the second dimension
new -- the new matrix with dimension increased
a, b = np.shape(xx)
# only first
if first and not second:
new = np.zeros((a + 1, b))
new[0:a, 0:b] = xx[0:a, 0:b]
new[a, 0:b] = xx[0, 0:b]
# only second
elif not first and second:
new = np.zeros((a, b + 1))
new[0:a, 0:b] = xx[0:a, 0:b]
new[0:a, b] = xx[0:a, 0]
# both direction
elif first and second:
new = np.zeros((a + 1, b + 1))
new[0:a, 0:b] = xx[0:a, 0:b]
new[a, 0:b] = xx[0, 0:b]
new[0:a, b] = xx[0:a, 0]
new[a, b] = xx[0, 0]
# otherwise return the original matrix
return xx
return new
[docs]def toroidal_period(vec, nfp=1):
vec: [x,y,z] data
Nfp: =1, toroidal number of periodicity
phi = 2 * np.pi / nfp
vec = np.atleast_2d(vec)
new_vec = vec.copy()
for ifp in range(nfp):
if ifp == 0:
rotate = np.array(
[np.cos(ifp * phi), np.sin(ifp * phi), 0],
[-np.sin(ifp * phi), np.cos(ifp * phi), 0],
[0, 0, 1],
new_vec = np.concatenate((new_vec, np.matmul(vec, rotate)))
return new_vec
[docs]def print_progress(
iteration, total, prefix="Progress", suffix="Complete", decimals=1, bar_length=60
Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar
iteration - Required : current iteration (Int)
total - Required : total iterations (Int)
prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str)
suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str)
decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int)
bar_length - Optional : character length of bar (Int)
str_format = "{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}"
percents = str_format.format(100 * (iteration / float(total)))
filled_length = int(round(bar_length * iteration / float(total)))
bar = "█" * filled_length + "-" * (bar_length - filled_length)
sys.stdout.write("\r%s |%s| %s%s %s" % (prefix, bar, percents, "%", suffix)),
if iteration == total:
# Smart way to check where to plot
[docs]def colorbar(mappable, **kwargs):
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
last_axes = plt.gca()
ax = mappable.axes
fig = ax.figure
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
cbar = fig.colorbar(mappable, cax=cax, **kwargs)
return cbar
[docs]def kwargs2dict(**kwargs):
return kwargs
[docs]def vmecMN(mpol, ntor):
# manipulate VMEC index
mn = (2 * ntor + 1) * mpol - ntor # total number of Fourier harmonics
xm = np.zeros((mn,), dtype=int)
xn = np.zeros((mn,), dtype=int)
imn = 0
for ii in range(mpol):
for jj in range(-ntor, ntor + 1):
if ii == 0 and jj < 0:
xm[imn] = ii
xn[imn] = jj
imn += 1
return xm, xn
[docs]def trigfft(y, tr=-1):
"""calculate trigonometric coefficients using FFT
Assuming the periodicity is 2*pi
y -- 1D array for Fourier transformation
tr -- Truncation number (default: -1)
a dict containing
'n' -- index
'rcos' -- cos coefficients of the real part
'rsin' -- sin coefficients of the real part
'icos' -- cos coefficients of the imag part
'isin' -- sin coefficients of the imag part
from scipy.fftpack import fft
N = len(y)
if N % 2 == 0: # even
half = N // 2 - 1
end = half + 2
half = (N - 1) // 2
end = half + 1
assert tr <= end, "Truncation number should be smaller than dimension!"
comp = fft(y) / N
a_k = np.zeros(end, dtype=np.complex)
b_k = np.zeros(end, dtype=np.complex)
except AttributeError: # numpy updated
a_k = np.zeros(end, dtype=complex)
b_k = np.zeros(end, dtype=complex)
a_k[0] = comp[0]
for n in range(1, half + 1):
a_k[n] = comp[n] + comp[N - n]
b_k[n] = (comp[n] - comp[N - n]) * 1j
if N % 2 == 0: # even number
a_k[end - 1] = comp[N // 2]
index = np.arange(end)
return {
"n": index[:tr],
"rcos": np.real(a_k[:tr]),
"rsin": np.real(b_k[:tr]),
"icos": np.imag(a_k[:tr]),
"isin": np.imag(b_k[:tr]),
[docs]def trigfft2(y):
"""calculate trigonometric coefficients using FFT
Assuming the periodicity is 2*pi
y -- 2D array for Fourier transformation
a dict containing
'n' -- 1D array, n index
'm' -- 1D array, m index
'rcos' -- 2D array, cos coefficients of the real part
'rsin' -- 2D array, sin coefficients of the real part
'icos' -- 2D array, cos coefficients of the imag part
'isin' -- 2D array, sin coefficients of the imag part
from scipy.fftpack import fft2, fftshift
M, N = y.shape
mn = M * N
comp = fft2(y) / mn
if M % 2 == 0: # even
half = M // 2 - 1
end = half + 2
half = (M - 1) // 2
end = half + 1
if N % 2 == 0: # even
mid0 = N // 2
start = 1
nmin = -N // 2
nmax = N // 2 - 1
mid0 = (N - 1) // 2
start = 0
nmin = -(N - 1) // 2
nmax = (N - 1) // 2
a_k = np.zeros(end, dtype=np.complex)
b_k = np.zeros(end, dtype=np.complex)
except AttributeError: # numpy updated
a_k = np.zeros(end, dtype=complex)
b_k = np.zeros(end, dtype=complex)
# find mapping
a_k[0, 0] = comp[0, 0]
for n in range(1, N):
a_k[0, n] = comp[0, n] + comp[0, N - n]
b_k[0, n] = (comp[0, n] - comp[0, N - n]) * 1j
for m in range(1, (M + 1) // 2):
a_k[m, 0] = comp[m, 0] + comp[M - m, 0]
b_k[m, 0] = (comp[m, 0] - comp[M - m, 0]) * 1j
for n in range(1, N):
a_k[m, n] = comp[m, n] + comp[M - m, N - n]
b_k[m, n] = (comp[m, n] - comp[M - m, N - n]) * 1j
if M % 2 == 0 and N % 2 == 0: # even
a_k[end - 1, N // 2] = comp[M // 2, N // 2]
a_k = fftshift(a_k, axes=1)
b_k = fftshift(b_k, axes=1)
a_k[0, start:mid0] = 0 + 1j * 0
b_k[0, start:mid0] = 0 + 1j * 0
mm = np.arange(end)
nn = np.arange(nmin, nmax + 1)
return {
"n": nn,
"m": mm,
"rcos": np.real(a_k),
"rsin": np.real(b_k),
"icos": np.imag(a_k),
"isin": np.imag(b_k),
[docs]def fft_deriv(y):
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft
N = len(y)
comp = fft(y)
if N % 2 == 0:
dt = (
- np.concatenate((np.zeros(N // 2), [N // 2], N * np.ones(N // 2 - 1)))
) * 1j
dt = (
np.arange(N) - np.concatenate((np.zeros(N // 2), N * np.ones(N // 2 + 1)))
) * 1j
return ifft(comp * dt)
[docs]def trig2real(theta, zeta=None, xm=[], xn=[], fmnc=None, fmns=None):
"""Trigonometric coefficients to real space points
theta (numpy.ndarray): Theta values to be evaluated.
zeta (numpy.ndarray, optional): Zeta values to be evaluated if discretizing in 2D. Defaults to None.
xm (list, optional): Poloidal Fourier modes. Defaults to [].
xn (list, optional): Toroidal Fourier modes. Defaults to [].
fmnc ([type], optional): Cosine Fourier coefficients Defaults to None.
fmns ([type], optional): Sin Fourier coefficients. Defaults to None.
numpy.ndarray: The discretized values in real space.
if zeta is None:
return _trig2real_1d(theta, xm, fmnc, fmns)
return _trig2real_2d(theta, zeta, xm, xn, fmnc, fmns)
def _trig2real_1d(theta, xm, fmnc=None, fmns=None):
_mt = np.reshape(xm, (-1, 1)) * theta
_cos = np.cos(_mt)
_sin = np.sin(_mt)
f = np.zeros((1, len(theta)))
if fmnc is not None:
f += np.matmul(np.reshape(fmnc, (1, -1)), _cos)
if fmns is not None:
f += np.matmul(np.reshape(fmns, (1, -1)), _sin)
return f.ravel()
def _trig2real_2d(theta, zeta, xm, xn, fmnc=None, fmns=None):
npol, ntor = len(theta), len(zeta)
_tv, _zv = np.meshgrid(theta, zeta, indexing="ij")
# mt - nz (in matrix)
_mtnz = np.matmul(np.reshape(xm, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(_tv, (1, -1))) - np.matmul(
np.reshape(xn, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(_zv, (1, -1))
_cos = np.cos(_mtnz)
_sin = np.sin(_mtnz)
f = np.zeros((1, npol * ntor))
if fmnc is not None:
f += np.matmul(np.reshape(fmnc, (1, -1)), _cos)
if fmns is not None:
f += np.matmul(np.reshape(fmns, (1, -1)), _sin)
return f.reshape(npol, ntor)
[docs]def real2trig_2d(f, xm, xn, theta, zeta):
"""Fourier decomposition in 2D
f (numpy.ndarray): The 2D function to be decomposed. Size: [npol, ntor].
xm (numpy.ndarray): Poloildal mode number. Size: [mn,]
xn (numpy.ndarray): Toroildal mode number. Size: [mn,]
theta (numpy.ndarray): Poloidal angles. Size:[npol,].
zeta (numpy.ndarray): Toroidal angles. Size:[ntor,]
numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray: Cos harmonics, sin harmonics. Size: [mn,]
npol, ntor = len(theta), len(zeta)
assert (npol, ntor) == np.shape(
), "F function dimension should be consistent with theta, zeta."
_tv, _zv = np.meshgrid(theta, zeta, indexing="ij")
# mt - nz (in matrix)
_mtnz = np.matmul(np.reshape(xm, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(_tv, (1, -1))) - np.matmul(
np.reshape(xn, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(_zv, (1, -1))
_cos = np.cos(_mtnz)
_sin = np.sin(_mtnz)
fmnc = np.ravel(np.matmul(_cos, f.reshape(-1, 1)))
fmns = np.ravel(np.matmul(_sin, f.reshape(-1, 1)))
fac = 2.0 / (npol * ntor)
# m=0, n=0 term or m=0 terms?
ind = np.logical_and(xm == 0, xn == 0)
fmnc[ind] *= 0.5
fmns[ind] *= 0.5
return fmnc * fac, fmns * fac
[docs]def vmec2focus(
"""Prepare FOCUS input boundary
vmec_file (str): VMEC input or output filename.
focus_file (str, optional): FOCUS boundary filename to be written. Defaults to 'plasma.boundary'.
bnorm_file (str, optional): BNORM output filename. Defaults to None.
ns (int, optional): VMEC surface index. Defaults to -1.
curpol (float, optional): Normalization factor related to poloidal current. Defaults to 1.0.
flipsign (bool, optional): Bool value to flip the sign of Bn coefficients. Defaults to False.
# check VMEC format
if "wout_" in vmec_file:
import xarray
wout = xarray.open_dataset(vmec_file)
rmnc = wout["rmnc"].values
zmns = wout["zmns"].values
rbc = rmnc[ns, :]
zbs = zmns[ns, :]
# non-stellarator-symmetric terms
if int(wout["lasym__logical__"].values):
rmns = wout["rmns"].values
zmnc = wout["zmnc"].values
rbs = rmns[ns, :]
zbc = zmnc[ns, :]
rbs = np.zeros_like(rbc)
zbc = np.zeros_like(zbs)
nfp = int(wout["nfp"].values)
xm = np.array(wout["xm"], dtype=int)
xn = np.array(wout["xn"], dtype=int) // nfp
curpol = 2.0 * np.pi / nfp * wout["rbtor"].values
elif "input." in vmec_file:
import f90nml
nml = f90nml.read(vmec_file)
indata = nml["indata"]
mpol = indata["mpol"]
ntor = indata["ntor"]
nfp = indata["nfp"]
arr_rbc = np.array(indata["rbc"])
arr_zbs = np.array(indata["zbs"])
arr_rbc[arr_rbc == None] = 0
arr_zbs[arr_zbs == None] = 0
arr_rbs = np.array(indata["rbs"])
arr_zbc = np.array(indata["zbc"])
arr_rbs[arr_rbs == None] = 0
arr_zbc[arr_zbc == None] = 0
except KeyError:
arr_rbs = np.zeros_like(arr_rbc)
arr_zbc = np.zeros_like(arr_rbc)
nmin, mmin = indata.start_index["rbc"]
mlen, nlen = np.shape(indata["rbc"])
xm = []
xn = []
rbc = []
zbs = []
rbs = []
zbc = []
for i in range(mlen):
m = i + mmin
if m > mpol:
for j in range(nlen):
n = j + nmin
if n > ntor:
rbc.append(arr_rbc[i, j])
zbs.append(arr_zbs[i, j])
rbs.append(arr_rbs[i, j])
zbc.append(arr_zbc[i, j])
raise FileExistsError(
"Please check your argument. Should be VMEC input or output!"
# parse BNORM output if necessary
if bnorm_file is None:
Nbnf = 0
bm = []
bn = []
bns = []
# bnc = []
with open(bnorm_file, "r") as bfile:
for line in bfile:
tmp = line.split() # BNORM format: m n Bn_sin
Nbnf = len(bm)
bnc = np.zeros(Nbnf)
bns = np.array(bns) * curpol
if flipsign:
bns *= -1
# write FOCUS input
mn = len(xm)
with open(focus_file, "w") as fofile:
fofile.write("# bmn bNfp nbf " + "\n")
fofile.write("{:d} \t {:d} \t {:d} \n".format(mn, nfp, Nbnf))
fofile.write("#plasma boundary" + "\n")
fofile.write("# n m Rbc Rbs Zbc Zbs" + "\n")
for i in range(mn):
"{:4d} {:4d} \t {:15.7E} {:15.7E} {:15.7E} {:15.7E} \n".format(
xn[i], xm[i], rbc[i], rbs[i], zbc[i], zbs[i]
"#Bn harmonics curpol= {:15.7E} ; I_p={:15.7E} A. \n".format(
curpol, curpol * nfp / (2 * np.pi) * 5e6
fofile.write("# n m bnc bns \n")
for i in range(Nbnf):
"{:d} \t {:d} \t {:15.7E} \t {:15.7E} \n".format(
-bn[i], bm[i], bnc[i], bns[i]
# FOCUS uses mu - nv
[docs]def booz2focus(booz_file, ns=-1, focus_file="plasma.boundary", tol=1e-6, Nfp=1):
"""convert BOOZ_XFORM output into FOCUS format plasma surface (in Boozer coordinates)
booz_file (str): Netcdf file of BOOZ_XFORM output
ns (int, optional): The specific flux surface you want to convert. Defaults to -1.
focus_file (str, optional): FOCUS plasma boundary filename. Defaults to 'plasma.boundary'.
tol ([type], optional): Tolerance to truncate. Defaults to 1E-6.
Nfp (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1.
import xarray
booz = xarray.open_dataset(booz_file)
mn = int(booz["mnboz_b"].values)
xm = np.array(booz["ixm_b"])
xn = np.array(booz["ixn_b"]) / Nfp
rbc = np.array(booz["rmnc_b"][ns, :])
# rbs = np.zeros(mn)
zbs = np.array(booz["zmns_b"][ns, :])
# zbc = np.zeros(mn)
pmns = np.array(booz["pmns_b"][ns, :])
# pmnc = np.zeros(mn)
# Nfp = 1
Nbnf = 0
amn = 0
for imn in range(mn):
if (abs(rbc[imn]) + abs(zbs[imn] + abs(pmns[imn]))) > tol:
amn += 1 # number of nonzero coef.
with open(focus_file, "w") as fofile:
fofile.write("# bmn bNfp nbf " + "\n")
fofile.write("{:d} \t {:d} \t {:d} \n".format(amn, Nfp, Nbnf))
fofile.write("#plasma boundary" + "\n")
fofile.write("# n m Rbc Rbs Zbc Zbs Pmnc Pmns" + "\n")
for imn in range(mn):
if (abs(rbc[imn]) + abs(zbs[imn] + abs(pmns[imn]))) > tol:
"{:4d} {:4d} \t {:23.15E} {:12.5E} {:12.5E} {:23.15E} {:12.5E} {:23.15E} \n".format(
fofile.write("#Bn harmonics \n")
fofile.write("# n m bnc bns" + "\n")
print("Finished write FOCUS input file at ", focus_file)
[docs]def read_focus_boundary(filename):
"""Read FOCUS/FAMUS plasma boundary file
filename (str): File name and path.
boundary (dict): Dict contains the parsed data.
nfp : number of toroidal periods
nfou : number of Fourier harmonics for describing the boundary
nbn : number of Fourier harmonics for Bn
surface : Toroidal surface dict, containing 'xm', 'xn', 'rbc', 'rbs', 'zbc', 'zbs'
bnormal : Input Bn dict, containing 'xm', 'xn', 'bnc', 'bns'
boundary = {}
surf = {}
bn = {}
with open(filename, "r") as f:
line = f.readline() # skip one line
line = f.readline()
num = int(line.split()[0]) # harmonics number
nfp = int(line.split()[1]) # number of field periodicity
nbn = int(line.split()[2]) # number of Bn harmonics
boundary["nfp"] = nfp
boundary["nfou"] = num
boundary["nbn"] = nbn
# read boundary harmonics
xm = []
xn = []
rbc = []
rbs = []
zbc = []
zbs = []
line = f.readline() # skip one line
line = f.readline() # skip one line
for i in range(num):
line = f.readline()
line_list = line.split()
n = int(float(line_list[0]))
m = int(float(line_list[1]))
surf["xm"] = np.array(xm)
surf["xn"] = np.array(xn)
surf["rbc"] = np.array(rbc)
surf["rbs"] = np.array(rbs)
surf["zbc"] = np.array(zbc)
surf["zbs"] = np.array(zbs)
boundary["surface"] = surf
# read Bn fourier harmonics
xm = []
xn = []
bnc = []
bns = []
if nbn > 0:
line = f.readline() # skip one line
line = f.readline() # skip one line
for i in range(nbn):
line = f.readline()
line_list = line.split()
n = int(float(line_list[0]))
m = int(float(line_list[1]))
bn["xm"] = np.array(xm)
bn["xn"] = np.array(xn)
bn["bnc"] = np.array(bnc)
bn["bns"] = np.array(bns)
boundary["bnormal"] = bn
return boundary
[docs]def write_focus_boundary(filename, surf, nfp=1, bn=None, **kwargs):
"""Write the Fourier harmonics down in FOCUS format
filename (str): File name to be saved.
surf (dict): Plasma surface information, containing 'xm', 'xn', 'rbc', 'rbs', 'zbc', zbs'.
nfp (int, optional): Number of field periodicity. Defaults to 1.
bn (dict, optional): Nonzero Bn information, containing 'xm', 'xn', 'bnc', 'bns'. Defaults to None.
# write Fourier coefficients
mn = len(surf["xn"])
nbn = len(bn["xn"])
except TypeError:
nbn = 0
# write data
with open(filename, "w") as fofile:
fofile.write("# bmn bNfp nbf " + "\n")
fofile.write("{:d} \t {:d} \t {:d} \n".format(mn, nfp, nbn))
fofile.write("#plasma boundary" + "\n")
fofile.write("# n m Rbc Rbs Zbc Zbs" + "\n")
for imn in range(mn):
"{:4d} {:4d} \t {:23.15E} {:23.15E} {:23.15E} {:23.15E} \n".format(
fofile.write("#Bn harmonics \n")
fofile.write("# n m bnc bns \n")
if nbn > 0:
for imn in range(nbn):
"{:4d} {:4d} \t {:23.15E} {:23.15E} \n".format(
[docs]def div0(a, b):
return np.divide(a, b, out=np.zeros_like(a), where=b != 0)
[docs]def biot_savart(pos, xyz, current, dxyz=None):
from coilpy_fortran import hanson_hirshman, biot_savart
if dxyz is None:
# no tangent provided
return hanson_hirshman(pos, xyz, current)
# tangent provided
return biot_savart(pos, xyz, current, dxyz)
[docs]def rotation_matrix(alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, gamma=0.0, xyz=False):
"""A genera rotation matrix using yaw, pitch, and roll angles
alpha (float, optional): The yaw angle (rotating around the z-axis). Defaults to 0.0.
beta (float, optional): The pitch angle (rotating around the y-axis). Defaults to 0.0.
gamma (float, optional): The roll angle (rotating around the x-axis). Defaults to 0.0.
xyz (bool, optional): The rotation order, True: x->y->z; False: z->y->x. Defaults to False
R (3x3 matrix): The rotation matrix.
ca = np.cos(alpha)
sa = np.sin(alpha)
cb = np.cos(beta)
sb = np.sin(beta)
cc = np.cos(gamma)
sc = np.sin(gamma)
if xyz:
return np.array(
[cb * cc, -cb * sc, sb],
[sa * sb * cc + ca * sc, -sa * sb * sc + ca * cc, -sa * cb],
[-ca * sb * cc + sa * sc, ca * sb * sc + sa * cc, ca * cb],
return np.array(
[ca * cb, ca * sb * sc - sa * cc, ca * sb * cc + sa * sc],
[sa * cb, sa * sb * sc + ca * cc, sa * sb * cc - ca * sc],
[-sb, cb * sc, cb * cc],
[docs]def rotation_angle(R, xyz=False):
"""Get the rotation angle from a rotation matrix
R (3x3 matrix): The rotation matrix.
xyz(bool, optional): the rotation scenario, RxRyRz vs RzRyRx. Defaults to False.
[alpha, beta, gamma]: The rotation angle around x,y,z-axis (if xyz=True) or z,y,x-axis.
# if not np.allclose(R @ R.T, np.identity(3)):
# raise ValueError("The rotation matrix is not orthonormal!")
if xyz:
return _rotation_angle_xyz(R)
return _rotation_angle_zyx(R)
def _rotation_angle_zyx(R):
tol = 1e-8
# cos(beta) = 0 => beta=pi/2 or 3/2*pi; onle aplha+/-gamma is determined
if abs(R[0, 0]) < tol and abs(R[1, 0]) < tol:
beta = np.arcsin(-R[2, 0])
alpha_pm_gamma = np.arctan2(R[1, 2], R[0, 2])
alpha = 0
gamma = R[2, 0] * alpha_pm_gamma
# beta from arcsin
beta = np.arcsin(-R[2, 0])
cb = np.cos(beta)
alpha = np.arctan2(cb * R[1, 0], cb * R[0, 0])
sp = np.sin(alpha)
cp = np.cos(alpha)
gamma = np.arctan2(sp * R[0, 2] - cp * R[1, 2], cp * R[1, 1] - sp * R[0, 1])
if not np.allclose(rotation_matrix(alpha, beta, gamma, xyz=False), R):
# change another possible value for beta
beta = np.pi - np.arcsin(-R[2, 0])
cb = np.cos(beta)
alpha = np.arctan2(cb * R[1, 0], cb * R[0, 0])
sp = np.sin(alpha)
cp = np.cos(alpha)
gamma = np.arctan2(sp * R[0, 2] - cp * R[1, 2], cp * R[1, 1] - sp * R[0, 1])
return alpha, beta, gamma
def _rotation_angle_xyz(R):
tol = 1e-8
# cos(beta) = 0 => beta=pi/2 or 3/2*pi; onle aplha-gamma is determined
if abs(R[0, 0]) < tol and abs(R[0, 1]) < tol:
beta = np.arcsin(R[0, 2])
alpha_pm_gamma = np.arctan2(R[1, 0], -R[2, 0])
alpha = 0
gamma = R[0, 2] * alpha_pm_gamma
# beta from arcsin
beta = np.arcsin(R[0, 2])
cb = np.cos(beta)
alpha = np.arctan2(-cb * R[1, 2], cb * R[2, 2])
gamma = np.arctan2(-cb * R[0, 1], cb * R[0, 0])
if not np.allclose(rotation_matrix(alpha, beta, gamma, xyz=True), R):
# change another possible value for beta
beta = np.pi - np.arcsin(R[0, 2])
cb = np.cos(beta)
alpha = np.arctan2(-cb * R[1, 2], cb * R[2, 2])
gamma = np.arctan2(-cb * R[0, 1], cb * R[0, 0])
# if not np.allclose(rotation_matrix(alpha, beta, gamma, xyz=True), R):
# print("something is still wrong.", alpha, beta, gamma)
return alpha, beta, gamma
[docs]def set_axes_equal(ax):
"""Make axes of 3D plot have equal scale so that spheres appear as spheres,
cubes as cubes, etc.. This is one possible solution to Matplotlib's
ax.set_aspect('equal') and ax.axis('equal') not working for 3D.
ax: a matplotlib axis, e.g., as output from plt.gca().
x_limits = ax.get_xlim3d()
y_limits = ax.get_ylim3d()
z_limits = ax.get_zlim3d()
x_range = abs(x_limits[1] - x_limits[0])
x_middle = np.mean(x_limits)
y_range = abs(y_limits[1] - y_limits[0])
y_middle = np.mean(y_limits)
z_range = abs(z_limits[1] - z_limits[0])
z_middle = np.mean(z_limits)
# The plot bounding box is a sphere in the sense of the infinity
# norm, hence I call half the max range the plot radius.
plot_radius = 0.5 * max([x_range, y_range, z_range])
ax.set_xlim3d([x_middle - plot_radius, x_middle + plot_radius])
ax.set_ylim3d([y_middle - plot_radius, y_middle + plot_radius])
ax.set_zlim3d([z_middle - plot_radius, z_middle + plot_radius])
[docs]def scan_focus(template, key, value, run=False):
"""Scan input variable of FOCUS
template (str): a template input file (*.input).
key (str): the variable name that will be scanned.
value (list): the loop that the scan is going to take.
run (bool, optional): whether you want to run the scan immediately. Defaults to False.
import f90nml
nml = f90nml.read(template)
focus = nml["focusin"]
for v in value:
focus[key] = v
if key == "nteta":
focus["nzeta"] = focus["nteta"]
new = template.replace(".input", "_{:}={:}.input".format(key, v))
nml.write(new, force=True)
if run:
command = "srun xfocus {:}".format(new)
import subprocess
ret = subprocess.run(
if ret.returncode != 0:
print("error:", ret)
[docs]def tracing(bfield, r0, z0, phi0=0.0, niter=100, nfp=1, nstep=1, **kwargs):
"""Trace magnetic field line in toroidal geometry
bfield (callable): A callable function.
The calling signature is `B = bfield(xyz)`, where `xyz`
is the position in cartesian coordinates and `B` is the
magnetic field at this point (in cartesian coordinates).
r0 (list): Initial radial coordinates.
z0 (list): Initial vertical coordinates.
phi0 (float, optional): The toroidal angle where the poincare plot data saved.
Defaults to 0.0.
niter (int, optional): Number of toroidal periods in tracing. Defaults to 100.
nfp (int, optional): Number of field periodicity. Defaults to 1.
nstep (int, optional): Number of intermediate step for one period. Defaults to 1.
array_like: The stored poincare date, shape is (len(r0), niter+1, 2).
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
# define the integrand in cylindrical coordinates
def fieldline(phi, rz):
rpz = np.array([rz[0], phi, rz[1]])
cosphi = np.cos(phi)
sinphi = np.sin(phi)
xyz = np.array([rpz[0] * cosphi, rpz[0] * sinphi, rpz[2]])
mag_xyz = np.ravel(bfield(xyz))
mag_rpz = np.array(
mag_xyz[0] * cosphi + mag_xyz[1] * sinphi,
(-mag_xyz[0] * sinphi + mag_xyz[1] * cosphi) / rpz[0],
return [mag_rpz[0] / mag_rpz[1], mag_rpz[2] / mag_rpz[1]]
# some settings
print("Begin field-line tracing: ")
if kwargs.get("method") is None:
kwargs.update({"method": "LSODA"}) # using LSODE
if kwargs.get("rtol") is None:
kwargs.update({"rtol": 1e-6}) # minimum tolerance
# begin tracing
dphi = 2 * np.pi / nfp / nstep
phi = phi0 + dphi * nstep * np.arange(niter)
nlines = len(r0)
lines = []
for i in range(nlines): # loop over each field-line
points = [[r0[i], z0[i]]]
for j in range(niter): # loop over each toroidal iteration
print_progress(i * niter + j + 1, nlines * niter)
rz = points[j]
phi_start = phi[j]
for k in range(nstep): # loop inside one iteration
sol = solve_ivp(fieldline, (phi_start, phi_start + dphi), rz, **kwargs)
rz = sol.y[:, -1]
phi_start += dphi
return np.array(lines)
[docs]def poincare_plot(data, color=None, **kwargs):
"""Making poincare plot
data (array_like): poincare data, shape is [nlines, niterations, 2].
color (matplotlib color, optional): Color code. Defaults to None.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
# get figure and ax data
if plt.get_fignums():
fig = plt.gcf()
ax = plt.gca()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
nlines = len(data)
# get colors
if color is None:
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(1, 0, nlines))
colors = [color] * nlines
kwargs["s"] = kwargs.get("s", 0.1) # dotsize
# scatter plot
for i in range(nlines):
ax.scatter(data[i][:, 0], data[i][:, 1], color=colors[i], **kwargs)
plt.xlabel("R [m]", fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel("Z [m]", fontsize=20)