Source code for coilpy.stellopt

# modified from stellopt.pySTEL

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import map, filter, range
from .sortedDict import SortedDict
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .misc import get_figure

__all__ = ["STELLout", "OMFITascii"]

[docs]class OMFITascii(object): """ OMFIT class used to interface with ASCII files :param filename: filename passed to OMFITobject class :param fromString: string that is written to file :param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITobject class """ def __init__(self, filename, **kw): fromString = kw.pop("fromString", None) self.filename = filename if fromString is not None: with open(self.filename, "wb") as f: f.write(fromString.encode("utf-8"))
[docs] def read(self): """ Read ASCII file and return content :return: string """ return open(self.filename, "r").read()
[docs] def write(self, value): """ Write string value to ASCII file :param value: string to be written to file :return: string """ open(self.filename, "w").write(value) return value
[docs] def append(self, value): """ Append string value to ASCII file :param value: string to be written to file :return: string """ open(self.filename, "a").write(value) return
[docs]class STELLout(SortedDict, OMFITascii): """ OMFITobject used to interface with stellopt.* file in STELLOPT outputs. :param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class All additional key word arguments passed to OMFITascii """ def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): SortedDict.__init__(self) OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kwargs) self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] def load(self): """Load the file and parse it into a sorted dictionary""" file_handle = open(self.filename, "r") niter = 0 for line in file_handle: if "ITER" in line: niter = niter + 1 if "MIN" in line: niter = niter - 1 self["ITER"] = np.ndarray((niter, 1)) line = file_handle.readline() ttype, wh = line.split() self[ttype] = float(wh) # Enter Loop citer = -1 while True: line = file_handle.readline() if line == "": break ttype, hw = line.split(" ", 1) if ttype == "ITER": if "MIN" in hw: break citer = citer + 1 self[ttype][citer] = int(hw) continue else: h, w = hw.split() h = int(h) w = int(w) line = file_handle.readline() if ttype not in self: self[ttype] = np.ndarray((niter, h, w)) for i in range(h): line = file_handle.readline() val = np.fromstring(line, sep=" ") self[ttype][citer, i, :] = val file_handle.close() for item in list(self): # print(item) if "VERSION" == item: continue elif "ITER" == item: continue elif item in [ "ASPECT", "ASPECT_MAX", "BETA", "CURTOR", "PHIEDGE", "VOLUME", "WP", "RBTOR", "R0", "Z0", "BETATOR", "BETAPOL", ]: self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 elif item == "BALLOON": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_grate"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) self[item + "_theta"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_zeta"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_k"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) elif item == "B_PROBES": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_X"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_Y"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_Z"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_MODB"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) elif item in ["FLUXLOOPS", "SEGROG"]: self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 elif item == "EXTCUR": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_dex"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) elif item in ["SEPARATRIX", "LIMITER"]: self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_R"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_PHI"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_Z"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) elif item in ["TI", "TE", "IOTA", "VPHI", "PRESS", "NE"]: self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_R"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_PHI"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_Z"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_S"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) elif item in ["NELINE", "FARADAY", "SXR"]: self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_R0"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) self[item + "_PHI0"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_Z0"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_R1"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) self[item + "_PHI1"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 7]) self[item + "_Z1"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 8]) elif item == "MSE": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 8]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_R"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_PHI"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_Z"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_S"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) self[item + "_ER"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) self[item + "_EZ"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 7]) elif item == "BOOTSTRAP": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_S"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) self[item + "_avg_jdotb"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_beam_jdotb"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_boot_jdotb"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) self[item + "_jBbs"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 7]) self[item + "_facnu"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 8]) self[item + "_bsnorm"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 9]) elif item == "HELICITY": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_bnorm"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) elif item == "HELICITY_FULL": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_bnorm"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) self[item + "_k"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_m"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_n"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) elif item == "TXPORT": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_S"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) elif item == "COIL_BNORM": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_U"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) self[item + "_V"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_BNEQ"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_BNF"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) elif item == "ORBIT": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_S"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) elif item == "J_STAR": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_AVGJSTAR"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) self[item + "_TRAPSJSTAR"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_UJSTAR"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_k"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) self[item + "_IJSTAR"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 7]) elif item == "NEO": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_k"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) elif item == "JDOTB": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_S"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) elif item == "JTOR": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_S"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) elif item == "DKES": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self[item + "_S"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) self[item + "_NU"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 4]) self[item + "_ER"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 5]) self[item + "_L11P"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 6]) self[item + "_L11M"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 7]) self[item + "_L33P"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 8]) self[item + "_L33M"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 9]) self[item + "_L31P"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 10]) self[item + "_L31M"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 11]) self[item + "_SCAL11"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 12]) self[item + "_SCAL33"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 13]) self[item + "_SCAL31"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 14]) elif item == "GAMMA_C": self[item + "_target"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 0]) self[item + "_sigma"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 1]) self[item + "_equil"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 2]) self[item + "_K"] = np.array(self[item][:, :, 3]) self[item + "_chisq"] = ( (self[item + "_target"] - self[item + "_equil"]) / self[item + "_sigma"] ) ** 2 self["chisq"] = ((self["TARGETS"] - self["VALS"]) / self["SIGMAS"]) ** 2 return
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, all=True, **kwargs): import itertools marker = itertools.cycle(("s", "+", "^", "o", "*")) # plot the overall iterations # set default plotting parameters if kwargs.get("linewidth") == None: kwargs.update({"linewidth": 2.0}) # prefer thicker lines if kwargs.get("label") == None: kwargs.update({"label": "Total_Chisq"}) # default label f, ax = get_figure(ax) ax.semilogy(self["ITER"], np.sum(self["chisq"], axis=1), **kwargs) if all: for key in self.keys(): if "_chisq" in key: label = key.replace("_chisq", "") ax.semilogy( self["ITER"], np.sum(self[key], axis=1), label=label, marker=next(marker), linestyle="", ) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.ylabel("chisq") return ax
[docs] def plot_helicity( self, it=-1, ordering=0, mn=(None, None), ax=None, log=True, normalize=False, logical_not=False, **kwargs ): """Plot |B| components in Boozer coordinates from BOOZ_XFORM Args: it (int, optional): Iteration index to be plotted. Defaults to -1. ordering (integer, optional): Plot the leading Nordering asymmetric modes. Defaults to 0. mn (tuple, optional): Plot the particular (m,n) mode. Defaults to (None, None). ax (Matplotlib axis, optional): Matplotlib axis to be plotted on. Defaults to None. log (bool, optional): Plot in log scale. Defaults to True. normalize(bool, optionl): Normalized to B_00. Defaults to False. logical_not (bool, optional): Unselect mn modes. Defaults to False. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.plot. Defaults to {}. Returns: ax (Matplotlib axis): Matplotlib axis plotted on. """ from .booz_xform import BOOZ_XFORM xs = self["HELICITY_FULL_k"] xs = np.array(np.unique(xs), dtype=int) ns = len(xs) xx = (xs - 1) / np.max(xs) # max(xs) might be different from NS vals = np.reshape(self["HELICITY_FULL_equil"][it], (ns, -1)) xm = np.reshape(np.array(self["HELICITY_FULL_m"][it], dtype=int), (ns, -1)) xn = np.reshape(np.array(self["HELICITY_FULL_n"][it], dtype=int), (ns, -1)) return BOOZ_XFORM.plot_helicity( vals, xm[0, :], xn[0, :], xx, ordering, mn, ax, log, normalize, logical_not, **kwargs )
[docs] def plot_balloon(self, it=-1, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot Ballooning instability from COBRAVMEC Args: it (int, optional): Iteration index to be plotted. Defaults to -1. ax (Matplotlib axis, optional): Matplotlib axis to be plotted on. Defaults to None. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.plot. Defaults to {}. Returns: ax (Matplotlib axis): Matplotlib axis plotted on. """ fig, ax = get_figure(ax) ax.plot(self["BALLOON_k"][it], self["BALLOON_grate"][it], "o") ax.set_xlabel("Radial Grid") ax.set_ylabel("Growth Rate") ax.set_title("COBRA Ballooning Stability (<0 Stable)") return ax
[docs] def plot_neo(self, it=-1, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot effective ripple from NEO Args: it (int, optional): Iteration index to be plotted. Defaults to -1. ax (Matplotlib axis, optional): Matplotlib axis to be plotted on. Defaults to None. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.plot. Defaults to {}. Returns: ax (Matplotlib axis): Matplotlib axis plotted on. """ fig, ax = get_figure(ax) xs = self["NEO_k"][it] xx = (xs - 1) / np.max(xs) # max(xs) might be different from NS ax.semilogy(xx, self["NEO_equil"][it], "o") ax.set_xlabel("Normalized flux (s) ") ax.set_ylabel(r"${\epsilon_{\mathrm{eff}}}^{3/2}$") ax.set_title("Effective ripple from NEO") return ax